Numbers 5:11-31 Commentary-SHOCKING 2021+ MESSAGE. The West African Cameroonian Bakossi Bitter Water Curse Revisited.

Numbers 5:11-31 Commentary-SHOCKING 2021+ MESSAGE. The West African Cameroonian Bakossi Bitter Water Curse Revisited.

This Numbers 5:11-31 Commentary, is one of the tons of others, that I’ve been looking forward to documenting, for close to 2 years now.

With the Apocalypse Series out of the way, THANK YAH, I feel an immeasurable joy and relief, to finally bring my notes to your attention, which contain shocking findings, concerning Numbers 5:11-31.

Numbers 5:11-31, contain some shocking realities, that certain communities on the African continent, can relate to today in the 21st century. And the Truths you are about to discover below, will consolidate the shocking fact one more time, that AFRICA CONTAIN THE REMNANTS OF THE BIBLICAL ISRAELITES.

It’s time to start digging deep into the scriptures.

0. Video Message.

Here’s the video version of the message below. You can watch it if you don’t want to read the article below:

1. Relevant Scripture Reference.

Even though we are analyzing the verses from 11-31, they will not all be copied and pasted here. Only relevant portions will be highlighted here, and the 21st century interpretations, provided.

So here are the scriptures we shall be focussing on:

Numbers 5:27-31. king James Version.

27 And when he hath made her to drink the water, then it shall come to pass, that, if she be defiled, and have done trespass against her husband, that the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her, and become bitter, and her belly shall swell, and her thigh shall rot: and the woman shall be a curse among her people.

28 And if the woman be not defiled, but be clean; then she shall be free, and shall conceive seed.

29 This is the law of jealousies, when a wife goeth aside to another instead of her husband, and is defiled;

30 Or when the spirit of jealousy cometh upon him, and he be jealous over his wife, and shall set the woman before the Lord, and the priest shall execute upon her all this law.

31 Then shall the man be guiltless from iniquity, and this woman shall bear her iniquity.

You should read your KJV Bible for the rest of the scriptures, to understand the background of the curse above.

There’s something else that I wish to draw your attention to. Go ahead and check it out in the very next section.

2. Numbers 5:11-31 Commentary SHOCKING REALITY FOR AFRICA.

When the Isralites were still living as one, with each of them belonging to one of the identifiable 12 Tribes of Israel, this ritual was performed only by a Levite priest in the Old Testament. But unfortunately, the Israelites are no longer together as one strong nation, compared to the past.

But what has this got to do with anything?

This is what you should note here: all the 12 tribes of Israel have currently been scattered around the world. And unfortunately, the scattering process is not yet over.

Our generation is currently preparing to witness a mortal wave of a very Strong East Wind, that will ruthlessly plug off the descendants of the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade Victims, one more time from Africa-the inheritance that YAH gave them.

You will find relevant details in the eBook below:

👉Apocalypse Part 1: The Beast Will Ascend To Power And Purge 1/2 Of Israel-Africa

That said, the Biblical Israelites have not yet been assembled again as I write this article, as prophesied in Old Testament prophecies.

But while they were still living together, this ritual, originating from the Laws of Moses, was performed on a woman suspected of cheating on her husband. We know that the authorized priests in question who were responsible for executing this ritual, were all priests from the Tribe of the Levites.

It entailed giving the woman some bitter water to drink to prove her innocence. If the water made her tummy swell, and her thigh rot, it meant she was guilty, and she would never be able to conceive again.

On the contrary, if she were innocent, nothing would happen to her. She would remain fertile and eventually bear children.

But here’s the shocking fact about this ritual:

There’s a tribe in West Africa, that is prominent for using this Bitter Water ritual, for other wicked purposes==>the West African Bakossi Tribe.

If you ask these people, how they came about using some bitter water, to achieve some very wicked objectives, they will say that the ritual was inherited from their ancestors. But unfortunately, they cannot trace the origin of their ancestors, but we can, and we already have.

The objectives of the same ritual have been distorted, and many other apects have been extensively modified as well, to render this ritual, a complete heretic abomination in the sight of YAH. Here are some of the changes:

  • The bitter water curse was used to determine whether a woman was cheating or not, in order to clear the iniquities of the jealous man, and the suspected woman. But the bitter water curse of the Bakossi West African tribe, is used to eliminate rivals (whether business or personal), inflict diseases, and cause major destruction using this bitter water. This is because witchcraft is now a major component of this ritual. It gets even worse.
  • We are told in scriptures, that some bitter water was used, but nowhere was the source of the bitter water mentioned. However, the Bakossi tribe has resorted to using…get this…THE STALE WATER DRAINED FROM CORPSES, ASSOCIATED WITH WITCHCRAFT, TO ACHIEVE VERY EVIL OBJECTIVES.

Now this is what I wish to draw your attention to.

Even though this ritual has been modified, and the source of their own bitter water is derived from corpses (so one of them told me), what you should understand here, is that this particular ritual originated from the Laws of Moses.

The Bakossi people, would claim that their ancestors used the same rituals, but they have absolutely no idea, who their ancestors before their ancestors were: the ancestors they are ignorantly making reference to, are the Biblical Israelites in ancient times.


Simply because the very first time a ritual concerning bitter water was used, was in the time of Moses, until the Israelites were scattered all over the world. But this ritual right here, of the Bakossi people, is proof that the descendants of the Biblical Israelites still remember some of those rituals..

But today, see how wicked this ceremony has become. This is just one of the wicked deeds of our ancestors, that led them to be punished using the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade.

How Can You Really Explain To These People, And Let Them Understand, That Yeshua, The King Of Israel, Has Come And Replaced All These Carnal Ceremonies And Rituals, With His Ultimate Last Sacrificial Blood Ritual On The Cross???

I’ve made enemies while trying to preach these Truths. Thank YAH I don’t have to avoid anyone, because all those who do not believe the Truth, have left my side. And oh wooow!!!!! What peace, happiness and relief I feel.

Unfortunately, after all these miseries have been witnessed and experienced, the descendants of the Trans Atlantic Slave Victims, have become rather worse.

The Bible didn’t identify the source of this bitter water, but wicked Africans have resorted to using water from corpses?????? 🤢🤮

We surely deserve what’s coming.

3. Conclusion Of Numbers 5:11-31 Commentary


The bitter water curse is still being practised on the African continent in the 21st century, but with demonic mordficiations, additions and distortions.

The End Is Here already. If you live on the African continent, detach from all African traditions, repent and follow our King, Yeshua. If not, you will get carried away by the ferocious East Wind that YAH is currently preparing, to punish the descendants of the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade Victims.

Anyone reading this, REPENT REPENT REPENT FROM YOUR SINS!!!!!!!!

We have started a new series about the Laws of the Maker for the 21st Century. We highly recommend that you check it out, if you don’t know where to start to get things right with YAH. You can check it out below:

👉This Is How To Win ALL Spiritual Battles Even While Sleeping With Zero Tithes, Zero Seeds, Zero Offerings, Zero Altars

We have sown the seed, only YAH is responsible for the increase. We pray that this message falls on a fertile heart and bears fruits.


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